I am a mobile, outpatient therapy practice specializing in helping individuals live and thrive safely in their home environments through home modifications and occupational therapy interventions. I am also a…
([email protected]) I am a licensed Physical Therapist and Certified Fall Prevention Specialist with extensive experience in the field of home health and gerontology. I have been performing Home Modifications Evaluations…
As an organization, we make home modifications and repairs to help low-income homeowners remain safe and healthy in their respective homes. We also assist older adults with fall prevention modifications…
This Data Brief highlights key findings from the 2019 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging on how Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are providing and funding home modification and…
Healthy Home Living Solutions, LLC provides Aging in Place consultation, home safety assessments with a report outlining recommended solutions, fall prevention education, and concierge services related to home modifications. Our…
This Data Brief highlights key findings from the 2019 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging on how Area Agencies on Aging are providing and funding home modification and repair…
This report by the USC Fall Prevention Center of Excellence and ADvancing States reports on a national survey of home modification and repair efforts of State Units on Aging
Spring 2020 Newsletter COVID-19: A Critical Time for Safety at Home With more time at home, supportive home environments are key for older adults Now, more than ever, it is…
This Data Brief reports key findings from a recent survey of Area Agencies on Aging on their efforts to provide and fund home modification and repair activities for older adults…