Evaluation Basics for Fall Prevention Coalitions and Programs, Gretchen Alkema, PhD & Phoebe Liebig, PhD
Recruitment of Fall Prevention Coalition Members, Katie Mack, MPA, MSG and Julie Overton, MSG/MHA
A center at the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology dedicated to developing programs for seniors, families, and professionals to reduce fall risks in elderly adults.
The new CDC publication, “The Potential to Reduce Falls and Avert Costs by Clinically Managing Fall Risk”, in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine is the first to show that…
This video by the San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force shows how you can incorporate fall prevention in your practice.
Developed by the National Center on Injury Prevention and Control, this document contains selected model programs that use home assessment and modification, can serve as a guide for organizations that…
This paper explores the impact of fall prevention programs and home modifications on falls and the performance of community dwelling older adults. The most impactful results were found for multifactorial…
A multifactorial fall prevention program with exercise intervention may reduce the risk of falls in the short-term but not necessarily in the long-term. Awareness is key to reduce falls.