National Home Safety and Home Modification Work Group Contributes to US Senate Aging Committee Falls Prevention Report In October, 2019, the Senate Special Committee on Aging held the hearing, “Falls…
The USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology Fall Prevention Center of Excellence partnered with n4a to launch the Eldercare Locator’s annual Home for the Holidays campaign. The campaign included a…
This extensive list of consumer materials focused on home modifications was created by the USC Fall Prevention Center of Excellence as part of an Administration for Community Living Project.
Educational resources focused on home modifications for older adults and caregivers and includes checklists, funding sources, and fact sheets.
The USC’s Fall Prevention Center of Excellence and the Administration for Community Living lead a Steering Committee to improve coordination and build new partnerships among stakeholders in federal, state, and local home modification activities.
My company provides home assessments for home modification projects and provides home safety and fall prevention training.
I have been an occupational therapist x27 years with focus on the older adult population so have always focused on ADL, home safety and fall prevention through modification. I am…