Program Alumni

Graduates of our Executive Certificate in Home Modification Program, Catia Garell and Damian Sempio, founders of Thrive for Life, LLC, with a home modification client


The USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology boasts a network of over 2,000 Executive Certificate in Home Modification graduates throughout the nation and around the globe.

We invite you to connect with some of our talented and diverse Program Alumni. Enjoy browsing through the Alumni Directory!

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Lori Pannell

Graduation Year: 2019
Title: Occupational Therapist Company Name: LATAN Company Address: 5700 Chamberlain Dr , New Orleans , LA 70122 Phone: 5047564552 I have completed numerous home evaluations to increase accessibility for those clients experiencing traumatic medical events to those aging in place.

Harshada Patil

Graduation Year: 2020
Title: Occupational therapist Company Name: Interface rehab, inc. Company Address: 20530 Anza Avenue , Torrance , CA 90503 Phone: 3237674587 An elementary level in Home Modification field, however enthusiastic to learn about practical and real life process.

Richard Pearson

Graduation Year: 2020
Title: Rehab Project Coordinator Company Name: Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay Company Address: 9031 BRELAND DR , TAMPA , Florida 33626 Phone: 8132152722 Responsible for the assessment and overseeing on more than 100 home modification projects a year.

Rachel Peraino

Title: Occupational Therapist Company Name: I work in a pediatric outpatient clinic Company Address: 424 Manhattan Ave , Hermosa Beach , California 90254 Phone: (310) 766-3882 I am interested in continuing to learn about this field. I would be willing to shadow or intern to gain additional experience.

Marian Perillo

Graduation Year: 2015
Title: Physical Therapy Company Name: Perillo Physical Therapy Services LLC Company Address: 6607 Mimosa St. , INDIAN TRAIL , NC 28079 Phone: (704) 607-9989 I have worked for several home health agencies in my 40 year career as a physical therapist. My experience enables me to provide more specific recommendations relative to both cognitive and physical abilities.

BevVan Phillips

Graduation Year: 2016
Title: Home Modification Specialist Company Name: Craft Lifestyle Managment Company Address: 7228 Burt St. , Omaha , NE 68114 Phone: (402) 306-4028 I'm an occupational therapist with a 20+ year practice involving home modifications. I'm interested in how people interact with the environment and how it affects function. Recently have become more involved in designing therapeutic environments in the home.

Sherry Pidgeon

Graduation Year: 2020
Title: self employed OTR/L, ECHM, CAPS, CDP Company Name: Home Mobility VT Company Address: 376 Pumpkin Hill , Williston , VT 05495 Phone: 8025783440 My initial focus was going to be Aging In Place however I have broadened my plan and will now market to those 65+ to address those at risk for falls. I am now a Medicare B provider which will open many doors for me as there are very few OT's in private practice in Vermont.

Tamara Polidore

Graduation Year: 2016
Title: OTR, CLT Company Name: Life Care Center Company Address: 1761 Brightmeadow Ct. , Orlando , FL 32818 Phone: (407) 421-6507 Educate patients on home modifications to decrease risk of falls towards end of rehab stay by proving a home assessment

Katrina Polk

Graduation Year: 2024
Company Name: Dynamic Solutions for the Aging, LLC Company Address: 1885 Tubman Road SE , Washington , DC 20020 Phone: 202-870-6974 We are a research and development firm with over 40 years of experience designing and integrating aging-in-place concepts into customized solutions for the population aged 50 and above, caregivers, and businesses that serve them. Specifically, we collaborate with developers, builders, architects, urban planners, health-related service providers, and individuals to design and renovate age-friendly, certified aging-in-place spaces.

Rachel Poythress

Graduation Year: 2024
Title: Safe at Home Program Manager Company Name: Rebuilding Together Peninsula Company Address: 2361 Poplar Ave. , East Palo Alto , California 94303 Phone: (650)481-8879 Specialty: I work with clients that are income-qualified to make their homes safer and more accessible with government grants, donations from corporate sponsors and individuals, and through volunteer labor. I work with clients that are income-qualified to make their homes safer and more accessible with government grants, donations from corporate sponsors and individuals, and through volunteer labor.

Melissa Prudencio

Graduation Year: 2019
Title: Occupational Therapist Company Name: Brooks Rehabilitation Company Address: 3856 Michaels Landing Circle E , Jacksonville , FL. 32224 Phone: (904) 859-3121 I graduated from the program in 2019 with almost three years of experience as an occupational therapist working in a skilled nursing facility. I plan to complete the courses to be a certified aging in place specialist as well and eventually assist the older adult for aging in place in my community in Jacksonville, FL.

Roslyn Quarto

Graduation Year: 2018
Title: Executive Director and Vice President of Advocacy Company Name: Empowering and Strengthening Ohio's People and The Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging Company Address: 11890 Fairhill Rd. , Cleveland , OH 44120 Phone: (216) 383-1853 Empowering and Strengthening Ohio's People, a subsidiary of the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, has developed a small dollar loan program for low-income older adults who would otherwise not be able to modify their homes so they can age in place independently and safely.

Stephanie Rauscher

Graduation Year: 2013
Title: Owner/founder Company Name: Dwell in Peace LLC Company Address: 312 E Main St. , Frankfort , NY 13340 Phone: (315) 867-4331 Dwell in Peace is a consulting company that helps people accommodate their homes to meet their accessibility needs. I meet within the home environment and work with people with varying abilities to identify problem areas that hinder safe, independent engagement in daily life skills and find solutions to the problems together with families and caregivers.

Nina Rea

Graduation Year: 2015
Title: Occupational Therapist Company Name: Home and Community Based Rehabilitation Company Address: 7180 Homewood Dr. , Oakland , CA 94611 Phone: (650) 619-2868 The interaction between us and our environment is fascinating to me. As an OT I am constantly looking at the best way to use the environment to our benefit.

Emily Reilly

Graduation Year: 2018
Title: Owner Company Name: Purposefully Home Company Address: 1114 N. 72nd Pl. , Scottsdale , AZ 85257 Phone: (480) 339-9316 I am an occupational therapist and offer the community residential accessibility consultation. I provide home assessment and recommendations and hope to grow within 5 years to develop my own contractor team in order to implement the recommendations. Currently any recommendations made are then referred to a contractor of the clients choice or I provide the clients with a list of “preferred contractors”.

Janalee Reineke Lyth

Graduation Year: 2016
Title: Occupational Therapist, Accessibility Specialist, Project Manager Company Name: Accessibility Design Company Address: 4631 London Rd. , Duluth , MN 55804 Phone: (218) 525-0370 Provide assessments and consultation to clients experiencing functional challenges within their home and recommend solutions to enable them to stay at home with their loved ones. Manage their chosen projects from bids to completion as a member of the Accessibility Design team.

Marnie Renda

Graduation Year: 2010
Title: Owner, Accessibility Specialist, Occupational Therapist Company Name: Rebuild Independence LLC Company Address: 2542 Erie Ave. , Cincinnati , OH 45208 Phone: (513) 276-0515 Rebuild Independence LLC has been helping elders and persons with disabilities figure out how they can continue to live at home for over 10 years. Services include an evaluation of need, acquisition of products, and home modifications.

Mindy Renfro

Graduation Year: 2019
Title: Retired professor/private contractor Company Address: NA , Billings , Montana 59102 Phone: (406) 545-9592 Geriatric physical therapist with extensive experience in home modifications, assistive technology, Smart Technology, and fall prevention. Supporting successful aging-in-place since 2009. One older adult supporting other older adults to achieve their goals and wishes - no matter how small or grand the project might be.

Paulette Rhaney

Graduation Year: 2018
Company Address: 224 South Peck Ave. , Manhattan Beach , California 90266 Phone: (310) 374-8786

Kevin Richardson

Graduation Year: 2012
Title: Occupational Therapist Company Name: Mission Home Health Company Address: 67972 Nicole Ct. , Desert Hot Springs , CA 92240 Phone: (760) 902-2274 Assess a persons safety with in home then make recommendations to increase safety and independence.

Marlene Riley

Title: owner/ OTR/L, CHT Company Name: Occupational Therapy Associates, LLC Towson Company Address: 7609 Knollwood Rd , Towson , MD 21286 Phone: 443-212-8363 I provide mobile occupational therapy services in patients' homes including direct care in addition to home assessments. In addition to general OT practice, I am a certified hand therapist (CHT) and consider solutions that may be indicated due to limited hand/ functional reach.

Monika Robinson

Graduation Year: 2017
Title: Owner, Occupational Therapist Company Name: Living Fully at Home, LLC. Company Address: 408 North Maple Ave. , Oak Park , IL 60302 Phone: (708) 502-6965 Provide home safety assessment and client functional assessments to determine the person-environment fit using research proven methods

Laurie Rockwell-Dylla

Graduation Year: 2006
Title: Fall Prevention Program Coordinator Company Name: Palos Health Company Address: 19 W Connacht Rd. , Lemont , IL 60439-6436 Phone: (630) 408-6739 I assist older adults in increasing their awareness of environmental risk factors that place them at risk of falling and offer strategies, such as home modications to increase their ability to age safely in place.

Gina Rodriguez

Graduation Year: 2020
Title: Home Health Occupational Therapist Company Name: Sutter Care at Home-San Mateo Company Address: 185 Laurie Meadows Drive , San Mateo , CA 94403 Phone: 570-807-9731 I have been practicing occupational therapy since 2015, most of that time working in home health, where I continue to learn about the demands and evolving nature of the need for home modifications for the patients I serve.

Jeff Rose

Graduation Year: 2006
Title: Senior Vice President, Partner Company Name: Health System Services, Ltd. Company Address: Health System Services , Niagara Falls , NY 14304 Phone: (716) 283-2339 Provide home safety and mobility assessments, ramps, wheelchair lifts, stair lifts, bathroom remodels, etc.