Program Alumni

Graduates of our Executive Certificate in Home Modification Program, Catia Garell and Damian Sempio, founders of Thrive for Life, LLC, with a home modification client


The USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology boasts a network of over 2,000 Executive Certificate in Home Modification graduates throughout the nation and around the globe.

We invite you to connect with some of our talented and diverse Program Alumni. Enjoy browsing through the Alumni Directory!

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Andy Maddux

Graduation Year: 2017
Title: CEO, Founder Company Name: AdaptMy Company Address: 1641 Clifton Ter. , Atlanta , GA 30307 Phone: (540) 454-0541 We provide a comprehensive collection of products and services to help older adults and those with disabilities live independently. Living safely and independently will help maximizes existing assistive service provider's reach and reducing individual's monthly expenses.

Michael Manade

Graduation Year: 2018
Title: Director, Network Company Name: Molina Healthcare of IL Company Address: 1343 Old Dominion Rd. , Naperville , IL 60540 Phone: (630) 428-9511 Involved in the assessment, review and research involved in funding mechanisms and possible accessibility modifications for elderly or physically challenged individuals in IL

Cecilia Mangali

Graduation Year: 2011
Title: Physical Therapist III Company Name: City of Hope Company Address: 12755 Wild Horse Way , Rancho Cucamonga , CA 91739 Phone: (909) 997-0923 I have been able to implement my knowledge from this certification to discuss home modifications with my patients as they transition to their home environment.

Pamela Marietti

Graduation Year: 2014
Title: Consultant Company Name: Self-Employed Company Address: 2739 Illinois St. , Napa , CA 94558 Phone: (707) 299-0450 Previously worked for the Area Agency on Aging providing home assessments for Fall Prevention program. Currently available to consult to individuals for home assessment needs.

Rebecca Martin

Graduation Year: 2014
Title: Consultant Company Name: RDM Enterprises Company Address: PO Box 1974 , Inverness , FL 34451 Phone: (352) 726-7517 Home is a special place. I want to help you ensure that your home is safe, comfortable and convenient for you, and visitable by friends and family. It should support you, not make life more complicated.

Anastasia Raquel Martinez

Graduation Year: 2017
Title: Director Company Name: Life Occupational Therapy Ltd. Company Address: 2 Breezy Hill Ave. , Port of Spain , NA 00000 Phone: (868) 764-6597 Home visits to make home modification recommendations fro people with disabilities.

Mario Melendez

Graduation Year: 2018
Title: Volunteer Company Name: Community Services Company Address: none , Los Angeles , California 90063 Phone: 323 440 8201 I am learning as much as possible to help seniors in my community live independently.

Sara Messer

Graduation Year: 2019
Title: Occupational Therapist, Co-Owner Company Name: Homefree: Solutions for Independent Living Company Address: PO Box 697 , Templeton , California 93465 Phone: 805-303-4663 We are occupational therapists who are passionate about helping people age in place with dignity and helping those with barriers to accessibility in their homes live full and independent lives. Homefree: Solutions for Independent Living is a home and environmental modification consulting business that operates on the California's Central Coast.

Ellie Meyer

Graduation Year: 2013
Company Address: 59 Hallett Hill Rd. , Weston , MA 02493 Phone: (781) 879-6253 Rehab Program Director at a skilled nursing facility doing home evals prior to discharge. Perform Homefit presentations. Available to consult on home modification projects.

Shawnnita Miranda

Graduation Year: 2008
Title: Home Modification Manager/ IL Specialist/ Advocate Company Name: SMILE Independent Living Company Address: 1929 S Arizona Ave., Ste. 11 , Yuma , AZ 85364 Phone: (928) 329-6681 I have been doing home modifications since 2008 and enjoy helping keep my elderly community independent in there own homes.

Alex Modric

Graduation Year: 2022
Title: Owner Company Name: Phoenix Pro Management, Inc Company Address: 3755 Via Poinciana , Lake Worth , FL 33467 Phone: 561-591-7597 A Florida statewide provider that serves with respect, compassion, integrity, and patience. Your independence and safety is our job. We are your environmental healthcare professional.

Sarah Montgomery

Graduation Year: 2019
Title: COTA Company Name: Renewal Rehab Company Address: 408 A Jackson St , Yorkville , IL 60560 Phone: 6302077591 My work in home modifications is limited to the occasional home evaluations in anticipation of DC from our skilled nursing facility, however, I am very passionate and eager to begin working with my community and providing the skills and knowledge this certificate has given me!

Chris Moore

Graduation Year: 2009
Title: President Company Name: Solid Rock Enterprises Inc. Company Address: 1371 Southside Dr. , Salem , VA 24153 Phone: (540) 384-2064 We perform home safety and accessibility assessments. We remodel homes to be safe, beautiful, and accessible for people of all ages and abilities. We build new universally designed homes.

Carrie Morgeson

Graduation Year: 2017
Title: Owner Company Name: CapABLE Living LLCco Company Address: 2207 Mahan Dr. , Louisville , KY 40299 Phone: (502) 599-5693 We work with individuals and their families creating beautiful, accessible living environments. We provide a one stop service. We evaluate, design solutions, implement the plan and verify that the solutions meet the needs.

Shirley Nakaki

Graduation Year: 2013
Company Name: Adapt=Ability, Solutions for Accessible Living Company Address: 466 Foothill Blvd., #74 , La Canada , CA 91011 Phone: (818) 275-0074 Adapt=Ability provides client-centered assessments and home modification proposals based on the client's specific vision for aging-in-place. Knowledge derived from the Executive Certificate in Home Modification Program, CAPS (Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist) and decades of experience as a Physical Therapist in the area of rehabilitation contribute to a in-depth assessment and a comprehensive home modification proposal.

Jackee Ndwaru McGlamery

Graduation Year: 2019
Title: Occupational Therapist-Owner Company Name: First Coast Aging in Place Solutions Company Address: 13931 Spoonbill St N , Jacksonville , FL 32224 Phone: 7853317958 Jackee Ndwaru McGlamery, OTD, OT/L, CAPS, ECHM is a licensed occupational therapist, OT advocate, and owner of First Coast Aging in Place Solutions a mobile private practice in Jacksonville, FL. Contact us for your home safety assessments and aging in place consultations.

Mike Nelson

Graduation Year: 2008
Title: Owner Company Name: Legacy Home Improvements, LLC Company Address: 379 Harbor Isles Dr. , North Port , FL 34287 Phone: (269) 317-8190 I live in an adult community where I offer my services to neighbors who are upgrading their homes. My training has been very useful in providing design elements that are universal, safe and assistive.

Lisa Newberry

Graduation Year: 2019
Title: Owner Company Name: Aurora Physical Therapy Company Address: Aurora Physical Therapy , Traverse City , MI 49686 Phone: (231) 938-2839 I provide comprehensive evaluations and make recommendations to ensure the best fit between people and their homes.

Sheila O'Connor

Graduation Year: 2017
Title: Owner Company Name: No Place Like Home Company Address: 68 Crabapple Ln. , Asheville , NC 28804 Phone: (828) 215-3881 Healthcare professionals in tandem with home remodelers and interior designers combine their expertise to determine the most efficient, cost-effective solution to thriving in place for all age groups and abilities.

Justin Oakley

Graduation Year: 2015
Title: Owner Company Name: Oakley Home Access Company Address: 15 Highland Ave. , Narragansett , RI 2882 Phone: (401) 743-5895 As an OT partnered with a construction expert, we?ve created a company passionate about fall prevention, increasing accessibility, and aging in place. We provide no pressure free home safety assessments. We are are able to install a wide variety of home accessibility products ranging fro grab bars to vertical platform lifts and everything in between. We understand individuals are often in a crisis situation when reaching out to us so we are passionate about making the process of outfitting the home as simple as possible.

Kent Ohms

Graduation Year: 2021
Title: Community Living Director Company Name: Iowa Department on Aging Company Address: 510 E 12th Street , Des Moines , IA 50319-9025 Phone: 5154022955 Working on positioning the Iowa Department on Aging as the statewide leader in navigating the home modification system. Looking to design system level strategies for individual AAAs and CILs to assist individuals at the local level.

Letitia Osburn

Title: Registered Occupational Therapist Company Name: TMC/Therapy Management Corporation Company Address: 3530 Burlington Dr. , Fultondale , AL 35068 Phone: (205) 410-7347 TMC/Therapy Management Corporation.

Donna Ozawa

Graduation Year: 2012
Title: Occupational Therapist Company Name: Goodfellow Occupational Therapy Company Address: 9323 North Saybrook Dr., #139 , Fresno , CA 93720 Phone: (510) 332-9536 I do private home assessments for families of children and adults with disabilities living independently in the community.

Katie Pace

Title: Executive Director Company Name: Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada Company Address: 1490 Huntington Cir , Reno , Nevada 89509 Phone: (775) 848-3703 Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada was established in 2020 with a volunteer board. By 2022, staff was needed due to the overwhelming reception of our work to assist homeowners with home repairs and modifications at no cost. I was the founder of this chapter and became the first ED. We assisted 32 homeowners in 2021 and 5o in 2022.

Tiffany Pajak

Graduation Year: 2018
Title: Occupational Therapist Company Address: 8115 Austin Ave. , Schererville , IN 46375 Phone: (219) 440-2620 We provide Home Safety consulting for clients of all ages and abilities to decrease the risk of injury and increase quality of life. My hope is to develop a coalition in my area to make my community more accessible as well.