Aging Issues

two men discussing architecture plans
This list of links is divided into three sections:


– The American Association of People with Disabilities website offers information and support to those with disabilities.

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A nonprofit membership organization dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of persons 50 and older

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Abilities Expo

The one show for assisted living products and services

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Acessiblidade (in Spanish)

An online database that provides links to informational technology, accessibility and rehabilitation technology

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Aging Research Centre (ARC)

This research web site offers links to recent aging related articles, which is updated monthly, real audio features, and research projects of interest

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Alliance for Retired Americans

This national organization serves to protect the health and economic security of seniors, and voice the opinions of retirees and older Americans

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American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

This inclusive web site has many resources related to aging and psychiatry; it has links to AAGP bookstore, consumer information, advocacy and public policy, American Journal for Geriatric Psychiatry, a bulletin for health professionals, and information from the press

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American Federation for Aging Research

Funds junior investigators and medical and Ph.D students to do biomedical research on aging and age-related conditions

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American Institute of Architects

This web site provides information for architectural professionals and helps consumers find the suitable architects

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American Occupational Therapy Association

An organization which helps you to learn more about how occupational therapy can help you or your loved ones live life to its fullest.

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American Planning Association

This web site provides various information, such as consultant services, how to become a certified planner, updates about the National Planning Conference, various research projects, and links to educational opportunities and careers and more

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American Society of Interior Designers

The web site offers links to the organization’s continuing education, government affair, and information to design students with downloadable online application

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American Society on Aging

An interdisciplinary organization in the field of aging

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Caregiver Network

This site provides information to the network’s services including seminars and care management, caregiver information, links to products and other services

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Center for Health Design

Creating a future where the built environment supports the highest level of human health, well-being, and achievement in all aspects of life and work

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Community Connections

This information center site contains links to HUD programs and initiatives, publications, other resources like Federal programs and private funding resources, and more

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Department of Justice Home Page

This site has all the Department of Justice materials for technical assistance such as status reports on enforcement, information on the ADA resources in public libraries and other lists are available

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is the U.S. government’s online resource for people with disabilities. The housing section has information on accessible and affordable housing.

Eldercare Locator

A nationwide toll-free service that helps older adults and their caregivers locate local senior services online and through 1-800-677-1116

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Generations United

This site has extensive information on intergenerational policy, programs, and issues with links to public policy, legislative alerts, training, special initiatives, services learning, and intergenerational programs

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Gerontological Society of America

This is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the scientific study of aging and to the translation/dissemination of research for practice and policy

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Provides computer tools designed specifically for those with severe physical disabilities that allow increased self-reliance and a vastly enhanced computing and Internet experience. GiveTech’s goal is to provide such technological tools to those in need.

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This website is the federal government’s portal to reliable health information online, it has extensive features that offer health news, online checkup and many more

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Healthfinder® Espanol

The same informative Healthfinder website is now available in Spanish to offer a large segment of Spanish-speaking elderly group health news and information

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Institute for Advanced Studies in Immunology and Aging

The institute offers many programs in the categories of research, education, and clinical care, their web site also features publications and reports on their research findings

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Institute for the Future of Aging Services

This national information resource center is designed to provide Medicare information through training programs, technical assistance and targeted research

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Making the Grade

This is a new feature of the National Center on Accessibility web site. The forum showcases best practices and accessibility projects that exceed the minimum standards and facilitate optimum access for visitors with disabilities

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Medicaid Long Term Care

A comprehensive guide of state Medicaid programs (elder care, housing options, and long term care) with individual eligibility requirements

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National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

The website has a variety of links such as eldercare locator, N4A events, job announcements, and policy papers on topics like long-term care, Medicare, and more

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National Association of Counties

Their website has links to legislative affairs, annual conferences and events, projects and programs that support county governments, publications and more

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National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies

Works with contractor licensing and enforcement agencies and the construction industry to maintain standards and regulations that protect consumers.

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National Council on Independant Living (NCIL)

An advocacy organization that furthers the concerns of persons with disabilities. The site contains information on upcoming conferences and training sessions. There are also links to other resources

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National MultiFamily Housing Council

This website has a legislative action center where people can send messages to the Congress, respond to legislative alerts; this site also offers links to joint legislative program, media center on facts and press release, information on renting vs. owning and more

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National Organization on Disability

A national cross-disability network organization that promotes the full and equal participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of American life. This site offers frequently updated news and resources concerning people with disabilities and employment; education; access to health care, transportation and technology; and community, political, and religious participation

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National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)

This site offers a searchable database of all the research published by the National Institute on Disability Research, an annotated bibliography of ADA publications, an explanation of NARIC and links to other related site

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Nursing Home Information Site

Here one can find answers to all nursing home questions, such as how to select, costs, Medicare and Medicaid coverage, regulations, etc.

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Section 508

Find out more about the new Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act that governs accessibility to information technology

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The nonprofit SeniorNet provides adults 50+ access to and education about computer technology and the Internet to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom.

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An online encyclopedia of aging issues, including housing

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Spinal Cord Injury Information Network

Provides a comprehensive and organized source of Spinal Cord Injury Information and Resources from recognized centers, organizations, researchers and educators

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The Alzheimer’s Education & Referral Center

A service of the National Institute on Aging, the Center helps disseminate information about Alzheimer’s disease and other related disorder

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The Archstone Foundation

The organization is a leader in the world of philanthropy for issues related to older Americans.

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The Center on Disabilities at CS University Northridge

Visit this website for resources available to people with disabilities, information on educational programs, training, and conferences on disabilities issues as well as job opportunities at The Center on Disability

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The website has a fact sheet with four messages on preventing falls, as well as tips, lists of CDC publications, research project information and other links fill the page

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The Cohousing Network

The Cohousing Network (TCN) is an organization whose purpose is to promote and encourage the cohousing concept, support both individuals and groups in creating communities, provide assistance to completed groups for improving their systems for living together in community, and provide networking opportunities for those involved or interested in cohousing

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The National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM)

Founded in 2002, the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) is dedicated to assisting older adults and families with the physical and emotional demands of downsizing, relocating, or modifying their homes. Their Industry Partner, eSMMART, offers a Certificate in Senior Move Management (cSMM). If you are interested in obtaining a cSMM, go to eSMMART Training Center.

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The National Council on the Aging (NCOA)

A private, nonprofit association committed to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well-being, and contributions of older persons and to enhancing the field of aging through leadership and service, education, and advocacy

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United Spinal Association

(formerly Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association) – The United Spinal Association is dedicated to enhancing the lives of veterans with spinal cord injuries or diseases by ensuring quality health care, promoting research, and advocating for civil rights and independence.

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Web Accessibility Initiative

This organization promotes accessibility of the Web to people with disabilities through five primary areas of work: technology, guidelines, tools, education & outreach, and research & development. Visit their web site to find out how each area is implemented to promote accessibility of the Web

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WheelchairNet is an online community and resource center for those that use wheelchairs. The site is also a resource for health professionals, community members and families who interact with wheelchair users.

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