Online Courses - Series #2 2025

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Home Modification Course #4
Raising Community Awareness and Coalition Building



By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the function of coalitions and coalition building.
  • Define the characteristics of a home modification action coalition and the process by which one can be created, including needs assessment, mission identification, governance, administration, and evaluation.
  • Explain effective mechanisms to increase home modification awareness and activities.
  • Identify the benefits of university-community partnerships.
  • Recognize the benefits of having a lead coordinator and how to select appropriate candidates.
  • Identify possible home modification coalition members and their roles.
  • Equip a local coalition with strategies and ideas to implement activities that will increase home modification activity and awareness.
  • Provide examples of local, state, and national home modification coalitions.
  • Outline the challenges associated with home modification coalitions and the strategies to overcome them.
  • Recognize the importance of structure and governance for coalition success and how to create these mechanisms.
  • Employ the skills necessary to plan and hold a successful home modification action coalition meeting.
  • Establish ground-rules for coalition discussions and decision-making.
  • Evaluate how a home modification action coalition can maintain long term self-sufficiency.
  • Select diverse home modification action coalition activities that relate to the coalition’s mission, goals, and objectives with tangible outcomes.
  • Describe the importance of targeting coalition activities to specific groups.
  • Explain the value of separate committees to carry out specific coalition activities.
  • Identify publicity and promotion vehicles and how to create recognition of home modification issues to the community.
  • Develop education and training activities that increase the awareness, sensitivity, and skills of professionals and consumers about the importance of home modification.
  • Conduct advocacy and increase funding related to home modification.
  • Examine ways to improve, expand, or establish the home modification service delivery system in a local community.

Continuing Education: Equivalent of 12 Classtime Hours
Education Level: Introductory

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