Welcome to the Vermont Home Modification and Repair Resources Page! On this State Resources page, you will find resources for consumers and professionals specific to Vermont, including featured programs, funding sources, home modification and repair providers by city, and educational materials!
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This section contains listings of home modification providers in Vermont. Search by city or keyword.
Contact Person: Sue Goetschius
Address: 101 College Parkway, Cochester, VT 05446
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: 802-847-1101
Fax: 802-847-6405
Most Common Modification: Ramps, grab bars, and stair modifications.
Contact Person: Henrietta Jordan
Address: 11 East State Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone Number: 802-229-0501
Fax: 802-229-0503
Established: 1985
Target Population: People with disabilities.
No. of Persons Served/Year: 165
No. of Paid Staff: 4
Most Common Modification: Bathroom and entrance modification.
Funding Sources: Vermont House Confirmation Board.
Total Budget: $300,000
Contact Person: Dena Wilkie, Owner, Occupational Therapist
Agency Name or Parent Company: Home & Able, LLC
Name of Home Modification Program / Resource: Home and Able, LLC
Address: 1561 Johnson Hill Road, Royalton, VT 05068
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: (802)763-8898
Homepage/Website: Www.homeandablevt.com
Established: 5/2022
Partnerships: AOTA, VOTA, NBCOT, NAHB
Target Population: 40-60 years old
No. of Paid Staff: 1
Services Provided:
Funding Source(s):
Special Features: Occupational therapist, specializing in home modifications for older homes, rural seniors and with a focus on education for climate resiliency and emergency preparedness.
Is your organization Non-Profit?: no
Contact Person: Merial Seedergren
Address: P.O. Box 541, West Ruthland, VT 05777
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: 802-438 2303
Fax: 802-438 5338
Established: 1985
Target Population: Moderate to low income
No. of Paid Staff: 10
Most Common Modification: Pluming/ access modifications
Funding Sources: Neighborhood Reinvestments/ Vermont State Finance Agency
Total Budget: $550,000
Contact Person: Sherry Pidgeon, OTR/L, ECHM, CAPS, CDP
Agency Name or Parent Company: Home Mobility VT
Name of Home Modification Program / Resource: Sherry Pidgeon
Address: 376 Pumpkin Hill, Williston, VT 05495
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: 8025783440
Homepage/Website: https://homemobilityvt.wordpress.com/
Established: March 2020
Target Population: Fall Risk population and Aging in Place population
No. of Paid Staff: 1
Services Provided:
Is your organization Non-Profit?: yes
This project was supported, in part, by grant number HHS-2018-ACL-AOA-HMOD-0308 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.
Information that the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology publishes on the World Wide Web may contain references or cross references to other agencies, products, programs, or links. USC does not endorse nor qualify any of the products, programs or links. The listing of these products, programs, and services is for informational purposes and individuals must use their own caution and judgment when using these resources. USC does not hold any liability or personal interest in any of these agencies, products, or services.