Home Modification and Repairs for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for State Units on Aging: This report by the USC Fall Prevention Center of Excellence and ADvancing States reports on a national survey
State Units on Aging (SUAs) are designated state-level agencies that develop and administer state plans that advocate for and provide assistance, including home modifications or repairs, to older residents, their families, and adults with physical disabilities. SUAs administer funds, including Older Americans Act funds, which may be used to support home modification or repair services through local Area Agencies on Aging and other state and local entities. Program(s) with home modification or repairs include:
1. Iowa Return to Community Pilot
Program Description: This state funded pilot in five counties involves voluntary participation by older adults who are being transferred from a hospital to a nursing home in their first 30 days of Medicare eligibility to facilitate discharge to their home. This discharge process may include home modifications as a part of a successful transition.
Population Served: Iowa residents age 60 or older, who are not Medicaid-eligible, and who indicate a preference to return to their community, and are deemed appropriate for discharge following a nursing facility or hospital stay.
2. Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services (VD-HCBS)
Program Description: The Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services program, a partnership between the Iowa Department on Aging and the Veterans Health Administration, uses a self-directed care model wherein participants choose and manage the long-term services they need to live independently. They are provided a monthly budget to contract with the individuals and agencies of their choice (including family members, friends and neighbors) for goods and services, including home modifications.
Population Served: The VD-HCBS program helps veterans of any age who are enrolled in the Iowa City VA Medical Center and are potential candidates for nursing facility placement to receive care at home, in a caregiver’s home or in an independent living community.
Description: These Home and Community-Based Service waivers provide physical modifications to the home to assist with health, safety, and welfare needs of the member to increase independence. Modifications include bathtub and shower modifications, changes to the kitchen, turnaround space adaptations, ramps, lifts and door modifications.
1. Brain Injury (BI) Waiver
Population Served: Iowa residents with a brain injury diagnosis who are eligible for Medicaid and need a level of care that includes intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, a nursing facility, or a skilled nursing facility.
2. Elderly Waiver
Population Served: Iowa residents age 65 or older who are Medicaid-eligible and qualify for skilled nursing services. Maximum lifetime benefit of $1,061 (as of 2019) for home and vehicle modifications.
3. Health and Disability (HD) Waiver
Population Served: Iowa residents age 18-64 who are blind or have a physical disability and must meet other Medicaid related eligibility requirements.
4. Intellectual Disabilities Waiver
Population Served: Iowa residents eligible for Medicaid that have a diagnosis of an intellectual disability as determined by a psychologist or psychiatrist.
5. Physical Disability (PD) Waiver
Population Served: Iowa residents under the age of 65 with a physical impairment as their disability and who meet other eligibility Medicaid related requirements.
The Easter Seals Iowa Assistive Technology Program (ESI ATP)
The State Assistive Technology Grant Program, funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 2004, supports comprehensive, statewide programs in each state that improve the provision of assistive technology (often home modification-related) to individuals with disabilities of all ages.
Iowa Falls Prevention Coalition
For an up to date list of all state fall prevention coalitions, visit: https://www.ncoa.org/resources/list-of-state-falls-prevention-coalitions/