Home Modification and Repairs for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for State Units on Aging: This report by the USC Fall Prevention Center of Excellence and ADvancing States reports on a national survey
State Units on Aging (SUAs) are designated state-level agencies that develop and administer state plans that advocate for and provide assistance, including home modifications or repairs, to older residents, their families, and adults with physical disabilities. SUAs administer funds, including Older Americans Act funds, which may be used to support home modification or repair services through local Area Agencies on Aging and other state and local entities. Program(s) with home modification or repairs include:
1. Area Agency on Aging Fall Prevention and Home Modification Programs
Through the 11 Area Agencies on Aging in Florida, the SUA administers home modification programs via fall prevention programs with health and wellness coordinators.
2. Community Care for the Elderly (CCE)
Program Description: This program provides community-based services to enable older adults with functional impairments to live dignified and independent lives in their own homes, or in the homes of relatives or caregivers, for as long as possible. Services can include minor emergency home repair.
Population Served: Individuals age 60 and older and functionally impaired, as determined by an initial comprehensive assessment and annual reassessments.
3. Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) Program
Program Description: The HCE program supports care for Floridians age 60 and older in family-type living arrangements within private homes as an alternative to institutional or nursing home care. Subsidies are provided that may cover ramps and home accessibility modifications.
Population Served: Individuals age 60 and older who have an income less than the Institutional Care Program standard, are at risk of nursing home placement, and have an approved adult caregiver living with them who is willing and able to provide care or help arrange for care.
4. Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program (SMMC)
Program Description: The Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) program delivers long-term care services from the Florida Medicaid Program through two programs: 1) the Long-term Care Managed Care Program; and 2) the Managed Medical Assistance Program. The Department of Elder Affairs is responsible for these federal programs through an interagency agreement with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Medicaid recipients who qualify and become enrolled in SMMC LTC receive long-term care services from a long-term care managed care plan. Participants may receive home accessibility adaptation services based on medical necessity or necessity to avoid institutionalization (e.g., installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways, modification of bathroom facilities, or installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies which are necessary for the welfare of the enrollee).
Population Served: Florida residents age 65 and over eligible for Medicaid or age 18 and over who are eligible for Medicaid due to a disability.
Florida’s Assistive Technology Program, FAAST, Inc.
The State Assistive Technology Grant Program, funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 2004, supports comprehensive, statewide programs in each state that improve the provision of assistive technology (often home modification-related) to individuals with disabilities of all ages.
Florida Falls Prevention Coalition
For an up to date list of all state fall prevention coalitions, visit: https://www.ncoa.org/resources/list-of-state-falls-prevention-coalitions/