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Three hands drawing up a blueprint

Universal Design Competition

The goal of the annual Morton Kesten Universal Design Competition is to create an opportunity for students across the United States to develop universally-designed spaces and products for which they will receive recognition. The Challenge is to create an innovative design using the principles of Universal Design that support aging-in-place in one of two areas: 1) Space: a) reconceptualize an existing kitchen/bath space; or b) create a brand-new kitchen/bath space, or 2) Product: develop a product/prototype that embraces and utilizes the ideas and principles of Universal Design for use at home.

If you would like information on the 2019-2020 Competition which begins in late Fall, 2019, please email Emily Nabors at

For more information on the 2018 Competition, including the winners chosen from over 100 student entries from around the country, go to: