Home Modification and Repairs for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for State Units on Aging: This report by the USC Fall Prevention Center of Excellence and ADvancing States reports on a national survey
State Units on Aging (SUAs) are designated state-level agencies that develop and administer state plans that advocate for and provide assistance, including home modifications or repairs, to older residents, their families, and adults with physical disabilities. SUAs administer funds, including Older Americans Act funds, which may be used to support home modification or repair services through local Area Agencies on Aging and other state and local entities. Program(s) with home modification or repairs include:
1. National Family Caregiver Support Program/Older Americans Act Title III-E Program
Program Description: Wyoming’s implementation of the National Family Caregiver Support Program focuses on respite support for caregivers to have temporary breaks from responsibilities, support group connections, and needed services for caregiving support including modifying the home environment. It offers between $300-$400 in home modifications for eligible participants.
Population Served: Adults age 18 and older who are caregivers for a person age 60 or older or for someone of any age who has Alzheimer’s Disease or a related dementia condition. In Laramie and Sheridan Counties, support is also available for older relative caregivers, age 55 and older, raising: a) their grandchildren, b) related children age 17 or younger, or c) helping an adult age 18-59 who have a disability. The parent of an individual age 18-59 with a disability is also eligible.
2. Wyoming Home Services Program
Program Description: The Wyoming Home Services Program provides home and community based-services to help people stay in the least restrictive environment for as long as possible, such as home modification. Participants are eligible for between $300-$400 in home modification services.
Population Served: Clients must be age 18 or older, and, through an ongoing evaluation, at risk of premature institutionalization.
Wyoming State Assistive Technology Resources Program (WATR)
The State Assistive Technology Grant Program, funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 2004, supports comprehensive, statewide programs in each state that improve the provision of assistive technology (often home modification-related) to individuals with disabilities of all ages. The Wyoming State Assistive Technology Resources Program’s primarily provides assistive technology but also partners with a bank to offer people with disabilities the opportunity to finance home modifications to improve mobility, accessibility, or quality of life. Wyoming residents may borrow between $500 and $25,000.
Wyoming Injury and Violence Prevention Program
For an up to date list of all state fall prevention coalitions, visit: https://www.ncoa.org/resources/list-of-state-falls-prevention-coalitions/