Home Adaptation Loan Options (HALO)

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Home Adaptation Loan Options (HALO)

Contact Person: Doug Coward

Address: 2400 Rhode Island Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34950

Email Address: dougc@solarenergyloanfund.org

Phone Number: 7724681818

Homepage/Website: www.solarenergyloanfund.org

Established: 2010

Target Population: disabled homeowners

Percentage of Clients Aged 60 Years+: 950

No. of Paid Staff: 9

Most Common Modification: home renovations and adaptions

Type of Assessment: yes

Assessor: VESCO

Providers Education/Training: yes

Funding Sources: U.S. CDFI DISABILITY FUND, Faith-Based organizations, banks, and worldwide crowdfunding via KIVA.org

Special Features: SELF has developed special low-interest rate loans (5.5% fixed) to help disabled homeowners make home adaptations.